About Recycled Realms

We all know that too much stuff ends up in the landfills year after year, much of which could be turned into really cool things. Also, if you are like me, you enjoy great themed terrain and scenery for gaming or display. That’s the goal of Recycled Realms; to take those items that could be repurposed and save them from the landfill by turning them into tabletop terrain, diorama, and scenery for our nerdy endeavors.

So, if you want your tabletop games or scenes to look cool AND help keep a little more stuff out of the landfill, then this is YOUR shop.

Recycled Realms — Making New Worlds from our Old

Get in touch by email→. or Sign Up for Cool Stuff

Eco-Conscious Nerd, Artist, and Pastor

David Celeskey

Eco-Conscious Nerd, Artist, and Pastor